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Couverture de The Curse of the Crow

The Curse of the Crow

De : Abbey Fox
Lu par : Stacy Hill
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    She didn’t want to fall for him. She had no choice.

    When magic dwindled from the world, the four kingdoms formed the Society of Crows, skilled wizards and sorcerers bound by the gods to uphold the balance. But as time passed, they became corrupted, demanding that magical humans marry only for procreation, for the preservation of magic.

    Nava Forrest stumbled upon her soulmate when she was young. A brief meeting with a hooded stranger forever bound her to a man she wanted nothing to do with. Her parents were also soulmates marrying despite her father not being a magic-wielder, their forbidden love forcing their family into hiding.

    Now that they are gone, her life raising her younger brother and selling potions to wary townsfolk has been quiet...and magic-free. When the Society of Crows finds Nava, intent on enslaving her, it forces her to flee to the forest, searching for the one person she was told can protect her.

    Arkimedes is certainly not what she expected, and her attraction to him is new and unnerving. As the chemistry between them grows, so does her power. With the Society closing in, it forces the two to create unexpected alliances, and work in their disagreements. One rejecting magic and the other a powerful, enigmatic fae, who has secrets of his own and is determined to change her mind. Nava must decide if she is to follow her destiny, listen to her heart...or maybe they are the same.

    The Curse of the Crow is an enthralling full-length fantasy romance, that will transport you to a new world where fairies and sorcerers exist, and soulmates find each other against all odds. Adventure packed, featuring a deliciously angsty romance, steamy, and filled with desire.

    If you love stories with fae, sorcerers, strong female MC that has a bubbly personality, that hides deeper insecurities, and a brooding male hero that complements her. This is a store for you!

    ©2021 The Wild Rabbit LLC (P)2022 The Wild Rabbit LLC

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