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Couverture de Defying the Alpha

Defying the Alpha

De : Emilia Rose
Lu par : Stacy Hill
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    Are two alphas too many to handle? 

    Defiant wolf-shifter Isabella loves toying with her mate Roman. But between Isabella leading the Lycans, Roman strengthening their pack, and a darkness slowly overtaking wolves’ minds, they have rarely found time for themselves. 

    And one of the worst problem of them all is that Alpha Kylo Marks - the most powerful alpha in the nation - wants Isabella’s and Roman’s heads. 

    When the Moon Goddess brings Kylo and Isabella together to help stop the darkness from overtaking the werewolf species, Kylo finds himself treading on uncharted territory.

    Can Roman and Isabella's relationship withstand the bloodthirsty alpha? How will Isabella juggle the two enemies who are vying for her? 

    Listen to Defying the Alpha, the second book in the Submission Trilogy, by Emilia Rose today! 

    This book is considered a menage romance which includes one female with two alpha mates.

    ©2021 Emilia Rose (P)2021 Emilia Rose

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