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Couverture de The Bones Fall in a Spiral

The Bones Fall in a Spiral

De : Mortellus
Lu par : Dara Brown
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    Providing more than fifty exercises, rituals, spells, and recipes, this book teaches you how to honor and work magically with the dead. Mortellus shares the history and power of death magic while also demonstrating its ability to bring comfort and connection. They show you a variety of ways to build a meaningful and safe practice, from using necromantic tools and instruments, to understanding the very nature of a soul.

    The Bones Fall in a Spiral dispels misconceptions about necromancy, helps you ethically work with spirits and remains, and provides a book of shades—an extensive spell book featuring step-by-step instructions. Explore correspondences, devotions, sigils, rites, and healing magic. Discover how to help the dying cross over, set up an altar, investigate the paranormal, protect yourself and more. This deeply researched and respectful book empowers you to learn from the dead and become a guardian of the liminal spaces between our world and theirs.

    ©2023 Crossed Crow Books (P)2023 Crossed Crow Books

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