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  • The Beat Goes On

  • A Music Producer's Guide to Monetising and Thriving in a Post-Covid World - Make Money Online by Turning Your Existing Skills Into Passive Income
  • De : Steve Riggs
  • Lu par : Steve Riggs
  • Durée : 1 h et 36 min

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The Beat Goes On

De : Steve Riggs
Lu par : Steve Riggs
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    Let's not beat around the bush, Covid made a total mess for musicians, producers, bands, DJs, road crew, venue owners, lighting engineers, and anyone else involved in the industry.

    The main lesson that I learnt from it all…don’t put all your eggs in one basket.

    Now, during the aftermath of it all, we see the cost-of-living crisis, and now a recession. So, we need to find new ways to protect ourselves from anything that could endanger our livelihoods again in the future.

    I know the struggle and have sacrificed a lot over the last three years, working tirelessly to find ways to build myself back up to continue to thrive in this madness that we call a post-covid world.

    I wrote a book about it, giving you all the strategies and tools to help you easily build multiple streams of income from the skills that you already have as a producer/musician.

    Use my knowledge and experience to skip the struggle, evolve, and move up in the game...all while looking after your wellbeing and personal life at the same time.

    By implementing the simple strategies in this book, you can bring yourself:

    • More Financial Stability
    • More Time
    • Better Mental Health
    • Better Relationships
    • Less Stress and Anxiety
    • More Followers
    • More Streams and Sales
    • Less Brain Fog and Frustration
    • And Countless Other Positive Changes

    Bold claims, you say.

    Well, if I can bring myself back from the brink of bankruptcy, total despair, and poor mental health, and STILL be making a decent living from music, then so can you.

    In the music industry, making money online is easier that you think, if you go about it the right way and have the right mindset.

    The best part is most of the things I teach in this book won't cost you a penny to set up.

    It also comes with helpful links and QR code, giving you everything you need to start seeing success, fast.

    There are two types of people in this world: Those who go after what they want, and everybody else.

    Which one are you?

    ©2023 Steve Riggs (P)2023 Steve Riggs

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