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The B2B Selling Guidebook

De : Jim Irving
Lu par : Jim Irving
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    The B2B Selling Guidebook is a practical, concise and easy to follow guide to Business-to-Business selling. The author has taken the most important lessons he has learned in a successful career now exceeding 43 years in B2B and high end "Enterprise" sales and sales leadership roles. He sets these lessons out for you to quickly and easily understand, without going through the pain he had to experience in learning them! With examples taken directly from his career, from the early stages all the way to senior corporate executive and managing director/CEO roles, the audiobook delivers powerful lessons on the reality of selling that can be applied immediately!

    Are you new to B2B Selling? Or highly experienced and wanting a powerful refresh? Or just interested in the reality of the world of business? Then this is the book for you. The author has represented a broad range of international corporates and also a large number of startups that he has supported in more recent years. He has operated in many industries and sectors and across the world.

    Visit for more information.

    ©2020 Jim Irving (P)2020 Jim Irving


    "His no-frills, straightforward and ethical approach to building a world-class sales organization is something to this day that I not only admire but also strive to emulate." (David Rode. Former Senior Vice President, International Operations, Information Builders Inc (IBI))

    "The selling process offers a peep-hole into the human condition. In this book, Jim helps the salesperson see reality, develop insights and then, most of all, add long-term value to the client-supplier relationship." (Bob Bishop, former Chairman & CEO, Silicon Graphics, Inc.)

    "A key objective for any company is revenue growth. Jim Irving is one of the select band of individuals with a long track record of making a real difference where it matters most - the bottom line." (Jim Green, CEO and Co-Founder, Spartan Solutions)

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