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Couverture de The Art of Belonging

The Art of Belonging

De : Eleanor Ray
Lu par : Emma Spurgin Hussey
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    From the bestselling author of Everything Is Beautiful, comes an utterly heartwarming new novel, about what it truly means to belong to those you love.


    Sometimes you need to open your heart to find where you truly belong . . .

    When unexpected circumstances bring Grace's estranged daughter, Amelia, and granddaughter, Charlotte, to live in her home, complicated feelings start to emerge, revealing a messy and emotional past which drove this family apart.

    It will take a school mystery, an exquisite miniature railway and some brave decisions to help them each find not only themselves, but also each other - and to appreciate what it truly means to belong together.

    This uplifting novel will warm your heart and touch your soul, and remind you of all the reasons humans can be downright wonderful.

    ©2024 Eleanor Ray (P)2024 Hachette Audio UK


    'Gripping, endearing and thought-provoking, this beautifully woven novel championing family, solidarity and friendship is full of warmth and heart. A joy from start to finish - one not to miss' HOLLY MILLER

    'The Art of Belonging is just the loveliest, uplifting novel and fills the soul with joy' LORNA COOK

    'This beautifully written story perfectly captures the messy, complicated thing that is family' NICOLA GILL

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