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Couverture de Frank and Red

Frank and Red

De : Matt Coyne
Lu par : James Killeen
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    The brilliant, heart-warming debut novel from the Sunday Times best-selling author of Dummy and Man vs Toddler

    Frank is a miserable old curmudgeon. An agoraphobic recluse and widower whose only company is the 'ghost' of his wife, Marcie. He is estranged from friends and family and is entirely cut off from the rest of the world.

    That is until he meets Red.

    Red is six years old. He's a funny, imaginative, and kind little boy who - following the separation of his parents - moves in next door. Red is fascinated by his new neighbour and seemingly oblivious to Frank's grumpy demeanour and strange ways.

    What on Earth will come of this unlikely friendship? Only time will tell...

    ©2024 Matt Coyne (P)2024 Headline Publishing Group Ltd


    Can't put this down . . . Honest, heartwarming and woven with brilliant, warm humour. (ANNA MATHUR, Sunday Times bestselling author)
    Absolutely brilliant. Anyone who reads it will be highly recommending it!! Bravo (DAISY UPTON, Sunday Times bestselling author)
    Warm, tender and very funny. A triumph of heartstring-pulling. (Sarah Turner, Sunday Times bestselling author)

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