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Couverture de Summary of The One Thing (Marathi Edition)

Summary of The One Thing (Marathi Edition)

De : Suhail Chagla, Amit Velankar - translator
Lu par : Anjali Shevade
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    This is a Marathi summary of the book 'The ONE Thing', by Gary W Keller and Jay Papasan.

    The One Thing is a self-help book that teaches people how to focus on the most important task in order to achieve extraordinary results. Its key message is that by focusing on the 'one thing' that will have the biggest impact on your goals, you can achieve more with less effort. If you're looking for a book to help you simplify your life and achieve your goals, then The One Thing is a great choice.

    Here's what the summary has to offer:

    - Simple but effective framework for identifying and focusing on your 'one thing.'

    - It also includes tips on how to overcome distractions, stay motivated, and make progress towards your goals.

    - Practical advice that you can use to improve your productivity and focus.

    Buy and listen to the complete book on Audible.

    Please note: This audiobook is in Marathi.

    ©2012 Rellek Publishing Partners, Ltd. (P)2023 OfSpin Media Friends
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