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Couverture de Summary of Four Thousand Weeks (Marathi Edition)

Summary of Four Thousand Weeks (Marathi Edition)

De : Heer Khant, Anjali Shevade - translator
Lu par : Anjali Shevade
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    This is a Marathi summary of the book, 'Four Thousand Weeks', written by Oliver Burkeman.

    A book that looks at time and life management with a brand-new perspective, Four Thousand Weeks is for anyone who is always short on time and overwhelmed with an ever-overflowing to-do list. It is also for people who want some honest advice that actually works on what to do with time to make the most of life, without all the frills.

    Here's what the summary has to offer:

    - A brief insight into Burkeman's extraordinary ideas about managing our time and life perspectives

    - Understanding how 'productivity' and 'multi-tasking' are traps

    - How 'patience', 'pausing' and 'prioritising' are the three Ps of making the most of our lives and the finite time we have on this planet

    Buy and listen to the complete book to get further insights by the author!

    Please note: This audiobook is in Marathi.

    ©2021 Oliver Burkeman (P)2023 OfSpin Media Friends
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