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Couverture de Stranded: Sea

Stranded: Sea

De : Theresa Shaver
Lu par : Kristin James
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    Join a courageous group of teens as they make their way in a post apocalyptic adventure story of survival after an EMP has virtually shut down modern technology across North America.  

    Emily, David, Mason, Lisa, and Mark head to the California coast to find a boat back to Canada. They all felt that it would be much easier and quicker to sail home rather than go over land with the others. They were wrong. The trek through the lawless city to get to the coast is only the first step. Hardship and loss await as the teens struggle to overcome both the challenge of the journey and threats from within. The trip home will change them all - for good or bad, as the stranded teens make for home by sea.

    ©2018 Theresa Shaver (P)2019 Tantor

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