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Couverture de Stranded: City Escape

Stranded: City Escape

De : Theresa Shaver
Lu par : Kristin James
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    Five went by land and five went by sea.... The rest stayed in the city. This is their story.

    Mrs. Moore knew that leaving the city was the best chance that she and her students had to survive the EMP, but when half of her charges refuse to leave she knows she has to stay and try and protect them. Fighting against time and the people in her group that refuse to face the reality of their situation will be a huge challenge. Even after finding a safe haven to wait out the destruction and chaos they are threatened and have to flee for their lives. With her group's numbers lessening at every turn she must lead them on the 1500-mile journey back to Canada. Their path will show them the best and worst of the new world. Facing the dangers of other survivors, rampant wild life, and shrinking supplies, they must travel through a world tossed back in time. Will her survivalist knowledge and determination be enough to get her students home?

    ©2018 Theresa Shaver (P)2019 Tantor

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