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  • Stacey Abrams

  • The Biography of a Powerful Woman Changing America
  • De : Isabella Harper
  • Lu par : Aaron Smith
  • Durée : 2 h et 15 min

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Couverture de Stacey Abrams

Stacey Abrams

De : Isabella Harper
Lu par : Aaron Smith
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    Discover the fascinating story behind Stacy Abrams and her fight to change America.

    As a trailblazing lawyer and politician who has spent her career breaking boundaries and defying expectations, Stacy Abrams is an inspiring Black American who shines as a beacon for change. Shedding light on her passionate fight for equality, her mission to uplift the disadvantaged, and her tireless work to represent her community, this biography stands as a testament to Stacy Abrams’ fight for a fairer world.

    Covering her formative years living in poverty, her dreams of becoming an author, along with her first steps into the world of law and politics, this biography pulls back the curtain on Abrams’ life, offering listeners a glimpse into the grassroots movements and political activism at the heart of America. This book retraces Abrams’ career, giving you a glimpse into her life and her unshakeable positive attitude at every stage of her distinguished career.

    As a must-have for anybody who wants to celebrate the accomplishments of Black Americans, Stacey Abrams: The Biography of a Powerful Woman Changing America is a fascinating story that will give you a deeper understanding of activism and the current political situation.

    Are you ready to discover the life and career of Stacy Abrams? Then start listening today!

    ©2022 Isabella Harper (P)2022 Flâneur Media

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