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Couverture de Kamala Harris the Biography: A Remarkable Life

Kamala Harris the Biography: A Remarkable Life

De : Isabella Harper
Lu par : Aaron Smith
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    Discover the untold inspiring story of the female Vice President making history.

    Rising to power as America’s first female and black Vice President, Kamala Harris rose from an unassuming background to break records and make history in the highest levels of government.

    Now, this biography peers into Kamala Harris’ life and achievements, unveiling her lesser-known role in government, and her rapid climb up the ranks of power. Delving into her childhood and earliest years, her time as California Attorney General, her tireless activism, and the philosophy that led her to success, this biography unveils the untold story of Kamala Harris’ life.

    With a detailed and honest look at her success, the scandals and pitfalls along the way, and her partnership with Joe Biden for the 2020 election, Kamala Harris the Biography: A Remarkable Life is a must-listen for students, activists, and anybody who wants to learn more about the life and legacy of Kamala Harris.

    Get your copy to discover the inspiring life of Kamala Harris today.

    ©2021 Isabella Harper (P)2021 Flâneur Media

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