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  • Somatic Yoga for Trauma

  • Release Stress and Anxiety with 28 Day Low Impact Exercise Challenge in Just 10 Minutes a Day. Suitable for Beginners, Seniors and All Fitness Levels
  • De : Barbara Belmont
  • Lu par : Emily Mills
  • Durée : 5 h et 14 min

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Somatic Yoga for Trauma

De : Barbara Belmont
Lu par : Emily Mills
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    Are you tired of feeling stuck?

    Does past trauma still hold you back from living your best life?

    You're not alone. Millions struggle with the physical and emotional effects of trauma, and traditional approaches don't always cut it.

    What if there was a way to heal not just your mind, but your body too?

    This book is your guide to a powerful, gentle practice that can help you:

    Reclaim your body: Trauma can leave you feeling disconnected from your physical self. Somatic Yoga teaches you to reconnect with your body in a safe, supportive way. You'll learn to listen to its signals and move in ways that feel good, not forced.

    Release trapped emotions: Trauma often gets stored in your body as tension. Somatic Yoga uses gentle movements and breathwork to help you release this trapped energy, leading to a sense of emotional freedom.

    Reduce stress and anxiety: Constant stress and worry can be overwhelming after trauma. This practice equips you with tools to manage your nervous system, promoting relaxation and inner peace.

    Build resilience: Life throws curveballs. Somatic Yoga helps you develop the strength and flexibility – both physically and mentally – to face challenges with greater ease.


    You've experienced trauma and want to heal.

    You feel disconnected from your body.

    You struggle with stress, anxiety, or flashbacks.

    You're ready to take control of your well-being and live a more fulfilling life.

    Ready to embark on your healing journey?

    Order your copy today!

    ©2024 Barbara Belmont (P)2024 Barbara Belmont

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