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Couverture de Soldiers of the Silent War

Soldiers of the Silent War

De : Eli Taff Jr.
Lu par : Nate Barham
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    Embark on an epic adventure through the smoky trenches of a world at war, where steam-powered marvels and dark secrets collide.

    After being caught up in patriotic fervor to serve his country, Sam is faced with the reality of war, and must try to survive as the world burns around him.

    In "Soldiers of the Silent War - Sam's Valor - Book 1," you'll follow Sam's extraordinary journey from his humble beginnings to the trenches, where he'll never be the same.

    Discover a meticulously crafted steampunk WWI-inspired universe, where valor and camaraderie stand tall amidst the chaos of battle.

    Dive into the intrigue and drama of the frontlines, where soldiers navigate treacherous terrain and advanced steam technology with skill and precision.

    Prepare to be spellbound by the intricacies of a world at war, where bravery is measured in bullets, and shadows conceal the true heart of a hero. Join Sam on a journey where courage knows no bounds, and alliances are forged in the crucible of battle.

    Discover "Steam & Shadows: Chronicles of Sam's Valor - Book 1" and immerse yourself in a spellbinding tale of honor, intrigue, and the unbreakable spirit of those who dare to tread the line between death and glory.

    ©2023 Elitei Tatafu Jr. (P)2023 Elitei Tatafu Jr.

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