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Couverture de Soldiers of the Shrouded Front

Soldiers of the Shrouded Front

De : Eli Taff Jr.
Lu par : Nate Barham
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    Fresh from the smoky trenches, Private Samuel Chudwell returns to Camp Iron Relay with information that could tip the scales of war.

    Sam, a loyal soldier, is thrust into a leadership role he is not wholly prepared for, then charged with a mission that will test his mettle: capturing the deadly new Febloelund mega-weapon, the Wrathbringer Bombard.

    Sam's squad, the ragtag Cog Team, is an eclectic mix of misfit soldiers, each with their own quirks and hidden talents. As they go into battle, they encounter the horrors of war and a shadowy underbelly of betrayal and intrigue. Sam's loyalty to his kingdom is unwavering, but he soon realizes that enemies lurk on both sides of the conflict.

    Amidst the clattering gears of war machines and the acrid stench of trenches, Sam's resolve is tested, and his greatest challenge awaits. In "Soldiers of the Shrouded Front," listeners will be transported to a world where steam-powered technology meets the brutality of battle, and where the line between friend and foe blurs in a web of secrets and betrayals.

    ©2023 Elitei Tatafu Jr. (P)2023 Elitei Tatafu Jr.

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