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Couverture de So Long, Normal

So Long, Normal

De : Laura Story
Lu par : Jill Blackwood, Laura Story
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    In the shifting (or even collapsing) of everything familiar in life, you don’t have to wring your hands in fear. Push past the loss of your “normal” with best-selling author and Bible teacher Laura Story, and step into the new story God is writing for you.

    You've been faced with circumstances beyond your control. Your plans are altered. But you have the blessing of a Father who loves you enough to take off the training wheels and place his beloved child in the best possible scenario for your good and growth. So Long, Normal guides you to leave behind the idols of comfort, caution, and routine so you can live strong and well, even when life takes an unwelcome turn.

    In her confessional, conversational style, worship leader, Bible teacher, and Christian recording artist Laura Story weaves her own personal stories with examples from Scripture of characters whose lives were upended by unexpected (and undesired) change.

    So Long, Normal will help you:

    • Process the trauma of the loss of your “normal”
    • Learn to rest in God’s plan for you instead of trying to control your circumstances
    • Find true community and encouragement in your struggle with uncertainty
    • Discover three great comforts and three gifts to steady you on your journey
    • Face the future with fresh spiritual eyes and find joy in the unwavering strength of Christ

    Losing your “normal” is not the end of the world but the beginning of a new adventure. It is possible to grow with grace through tough times, navigating the unknown secure in the knowledge that God is with you—every step of the way.

    ©2021 Laura Story (P)2021 Thomas Nelson


    "Laura has been a friend of mine for quite a while. This is a beautiful story of love and hope and Jesus. As you read these pages you are going to laugh, you are going to cry, and best of all, you are going to think." (Bob Goff, author and speaker)

    "Laura is a voice I trust, so much so that I invite her to join me every chance I can at Fresh Grounded Faith. And this book is another affirmation of why I love her! It's a guidebook for navigating the unknown written by one who has traveled that land herself. So if you're struggling to feel secure in an uncertain world, Laura's wise and gentle voice is for you." (Jennifer Rothschild, author and founder, Fresh Grounded Faith Events)

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