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  • Simplifying Innovation: Doubling Speed to Market and New Product Profits with Your Existing Resources

  • Guided Innovation
  • De : Michael A. Dalton
  • Lu par : Ann Richardson
  • Durée : 6 h et 7 min

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Simplifying Innovation: Doubling Speed to Market and New Product Profits with Your Existing Resources

De : Michael A. Dalton
Lu par : Ann Richardson
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    Small changes can deliver big new product results.

    Are new products taking too long to develop and failing to deliver the bottom-line impact you need? Now you can accelerate your growth by identifying your innovation bottleneck - just one of the powerful new product development strategies revealed in Simplifying Innovation.

    As the story in this provocative business audiobook unfolds, you'll discover the first-ever approach to new product growth based on the Theory of Constraints. Learn how to leverage the power of the 5-Step Guided Innovation System to:

    • Fill your pipeline with profitably growing new products
    • Finish new product programs on time and on budget
    • Select winners so resources aren't wasted on canceled projects
    • Focus on creating value for customers and shareholders
    • Hit your new product sales targets more consistently
    ©2010 Michael A. Dalton and Flywheel Effect Publishing (P)2014 Michael A. Dalton and Flywheel Effect Publishing

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