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Couverture de Sharpest Edge

Sharpest Edge

De : Alessa Thorn
Lu par : Vivianna Marlowe, Curt Bonnem
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    Kon and Athena's revenge on the shady organization Aurora has painted targets on all of their backs. Now the Edgeworth's dark and bloody past is catching up with them, and there's no way to escape unscathed.

    Sharpest Edge is the second book in Mercenaries and Magic, a fast-paced, contemporary fantasy series full of found family, hot romance, and dark humor.

    Izabella Silversmith won't walk away from the family that rescued her from hell. With her magic now rising thanks to Kon's tutoring she's got more to lose than ever, but Izabella is determined to see the fight through to the end . . . even if her secret feelings for Silas are burning her up inside.

    Silas wants to get the bastards hunting them and end his nightmares once and for all. He needs to keep his eyes on their enemies, not Izabella, the only woman he's ever wanted and will never be good enough for.

    Silas and Izabella will have to deal with the darkest parts of their pasts to have a future together, and with the rest of Aurora massing against them, the whole of the Edgeworth Crew will have to draw together to defeat what's coming.

    Contains mature themes.

    ©2022 Alessa Thorn (P)2024 Tantor

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