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Couverture de A Cage of Crimson

A Cage of Crimson

De : K.F. Breene
Lu par : Tillie Hooper, Tyler Donne
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    Of all the people in the world, why her?

    It was supposed to be easy: find the drug maker. Find her, and drag her back to the dragons to deal with. She deserves death for what she's done.

    For someone like Weston, the best alpha in the world, the one who shuts people up just by walking in the room, it would've been.

    Until he learns what she is

    Finding a fated mate is nearly impossible. Very few are able to do it. But the call of their bond is unmistakable. Against all odds, and in the worst situation imaginable, he's found his true mate. Her.

    Worse? If there could be anything worse than a true mate that has brought the world to its knees—she doesn't seem to realize what she is. Her animal is suppressed. Locked away, leaving her nearly without magic. She doesn't know what the feeling is, and she doesn't care. She claims innocence. She thinks he's the villain in this story, and she aims to kill him before he destroys her.

    It doesn't change his duty. He must bring her in, nature be damned. Regardless of how much it hurts, he'll resist the sweet taste of her lips and the heaven between her thighs. She must pay for what she's done.

    He just hopes he doesn't die inside for the part he's forced to play in the destruction of his true mate.
    _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

    This is a dark and very spicy Red Riding Hood retelling in the Ruin World featuring an anti-hero, a strong heroine, and a humorous supporting cast. It is not necessary to have listened to the Ruin series to enjoy this installment. Check the website for TWs. This is an enemies-to-lovers and forced proximity story suitable for 18+. It's the first of a dualogy, ending on a cliffhanger.

    ©2024 Hazy Dawn Press, Inc (P)2024 Hazy Dawn Press, Inc

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