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De : Amelia Cole
Lu par : Theodore Zephyr, Madison Mitts
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    The Druadan Legacy series is an adult romance where the main character will end up with multiple love interests. It is set on a distant earth, where centuries of rising seas have transformed the land masses into a scattering of islands.

    In a world where the sea has claimed most of the land, the once-mighty druadan faces extinction. Genetically engineered for ancient wars, these fiercely loyal horses are bonded to a single male rider. Centuries after the final battle, they now number less than a hundred, and the few remaining are housed in the island continent of Venovia in isolated farms.

    While searching for her missing sister at one such station, called Meridian, a shadowy threat emerges, sparking fears that the terrifying creatures from their past have returned.


    One year ago, my sister vanished without a trace...

    The police have their theories, but nothing adds up for me. Desperate for answers, I seize the opportunity to fill her shoes as public relations at the isolated Meridian Station, famous for its exclusive exhibitions of the rare and mystical genetically modified horses called Druadan.
    Under a veil of secrecy, I know I must grow close to the three men who are the last to see her alive:

    Heath: the proud manager
    Carter: the charismatic rider
    Logan: the brooding head of security.

    But the deeper I venture into their world, the more I become entangled in a web of desires, deceptions, and looming danger. Meridian Station is a place where legends intertwine with reality, and myths become tangible.

    Shadowbound is the first in an adult, dystopian sci-fi set on a future Earth. It is a 'why choose' romance, where the main character will end up with more than one love interest. It may have triggers for some, including violence, threat of death, blood, sexual themes, sexual acts, death, grief, and depression. It is intended for 18+ listeners.

    ©2024 Sarah Jane Pounds (P)2024 Sarah Jane Pounds

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