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Couverture de Breaker of Mountains

Breaker of Mountains

De : Amelia Cole
Lu par : Heather Daniel
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    In this world, shadows hold secrets, and ancient gods stir. Among it all, Ella Dawson– now stripped of her abilities– faces an impossible task: decode a mythical weapon's whereabouts while combating a malevolent demon ready to cause a worldwide plague and unleash hordes of its kind. Two months after thwarting Derek Kane's plans, Ella Dawson grapples with daily challenges while striving for a photojournalism career and managing a relationship with a secret agent. Coping with lost abilities, her normalcy is disrupted by a Division 12 agent at her sister's wedding, reigniting her role as Guardian of Vela amidst mysterious magic and forgotten deities.

    The Earth trembles…

    A series of earthquakes are somehow leaving people with a mysterious illness, and Division 12 is left puzzled by their connection to the fragments of the Inanna statue. Requesting Ella’s assistance, Jason and she— with the agency’s untethered resources at their disposal— stumble upon a jaw-dropping revelation. Something terrible has escaped…

    A malevolent entity that had been trapped for thousands of years has been unleashed, leaving destruction, death, and disease in its wake as it searches the world for ways to let others of its kind through.

    A perilous journey…

    Amidst the investigation of the demon's lingering impact, Ella's path intersects with another individual tied to Vela and learns there exists a single legendary weapon capable of destroying the demon. Their quest plunges them into the depths of the Venezuelan jungle, and with each advancing step, the demon's ever-widening swatch of devastation grows.

    ©2023 Sarah Pounds (P)2024 Sarah Pounds

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