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Couverture de Shadow Guardian and the Boys That Went Woof

Shadow Guardian and the Boys That Went Woof

De : Robert J. Lewis
Lu par : Chase Johnson
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    Precocious Puppies are threatening the city!

    Being Mayor isn’t enough for supervillain Doug Trainer. He craves total domination. He releases the Pup Patrol, a pack of masked men wielding shock guns, on the city. But even his actions have consequences, and the mysterious Board kidnaps his beloved nephew, Gaymer.

    With Morgan City in danger and Gaymer missing, Shadow Guardian answers the call to action with three reluctant new heroes: Sentry, Fire, and Ice. Together, they take on the Pup Patrol and the villainous vixens, Lip-Sync and Death Drop. Thankfully they have the help of their binary non-binary friends, Alegro and Chitter. Oh, and of course, Juan Carlos.

    ©2024 Robert J. Lewis (P)2024 Robert J. Lewis

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