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Couverture de Shadow Guardian and the Three Bears

Shadow Guardian and the Three Bears

De : Robert J. Lewis
Lu par : Chase Johnson
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    Burly villains are terrorizing the city Shadow Guardian protects, and this superhero is pulling double duty of trying to protect the city and not fall in love.

    Diego Sanz grew up witnessing neglect by officials on the North side of Morgan City. Beating the odds, he became the CEO of a fortune 500 company, but he never left his community behind. Determined to fight the crime in Morgan City, Diego returns, donning the mantle of Shadow Guardian, a mysterious vigilante who protects the people.

    During a routine patrol, he rescues an attractive young man named Alex. Diego is intrigued, but would Alex still desire him if he met the man behind the mask? While sorting out his emotions and deciding whether to reveal his secret, Three Bears are terrorizing his territory. Armed with a dangerous drug called Build and Burn, the outlaws may be too much for the well-to-do vigilante to handle on his own.

    Now he must put his faith in the technological skills of his new hire of Special Projects, Alex--the handsome man he can't stop thinking about--who, despite his fresh assignment, has no idea his new boss is also the protector of Morgan City. Will Diego reveal his identity to keep Alex close or will the Bears, driven mad by their drug, destroy the city before he even gets his chance to express his feelings?

    ©2022 Robert J. Lewis (P)2023 Robert J. Lewis

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