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Couverture de Shadow & Flame

Shadow & Flame

De : Mindee Arnett
Lu par : Khristine Hvam
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    From acclaimed author Mindee Arnett comes the thrilling conclusion of the stunningly epic, action-packed fantasy adventure that’s been called “a page-turning blend of monsters, magic, and romance” by Susan Dennard, the New York Times best-selling author of Truthwitch.

    They call her the Wilder Queen. It’s a title given to Kate Brighton for her role in the war between the wilder rebellion and the Rimish empire. It’s a title that was hard earned: Kate may have saved her people, but many were lost in the conflict, immortalized in the tattoos of fire that grace her arms.

    And it’s a title that Kate never wanted. The rebellion may have made a home for themselves in a country that wants to cast them out, but the peace will never be safe while Edwin, the illegitimate king of Rime, sits upon its throne. And for that, the Wilder Queen must keep hers.

    Now war is brewing once again. Kate and her allies receive word of a threat to their ambassador in the Rimish capital; meanwhile, across the channel in Seva, an army is being assembled to conquer Rime - and a prisoner slave named Clash may hold the key to ending the conflict once and for all.

    As enemies close in on Kate and Clash from all sides, they must choose where their loyalties lie - with their people, with their loved ones, or with themselves.

    The epic story that began with Onyx & Ivory comes to a stunning conclusion as acclaimed author Mindee Arnett throws listeners into a beautiful, terrifying world poised on a razor’s edge in its struggle for survival.

    ©2019 Mindee Arnett (P)2019 Balzer + Bray

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