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Couverture de Onyx & Ivory

Onyx & Ivory

De : Mindee Arnett
Lu par : Khristine Hvam
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    Acclaimed author Mindee Arnett thrusts listeners into a beautiful, dangerous, and magical world in this stunningly epic and romantic fantasy for fans of Leigh Bardugo and Sarah Raasch.

    They call her Traitor Kate. It’s a title Kate Brighton inherited from her father after he tried to assassinate the high king of Rime.

    Cast out of the nobility, Kate now works for the royal courier service. Only the most skilled ride for the Relay and only the fastest survive, for when night falls, the drakes - deadly flightless dragons - come out to hunt. Fortunately, Kate has a secret edge: She is a wilder, born with forbidden magic that allows her to influence the minds of animals.

    And it’s this magic that leads her to a caravan massacred by drakes in broad daylight - the only survivor Corwin Tormaine, the son of the king. Her first love, the boy she swore to forget after he condemned her father to death.

    With their paths once more entangled, Kate and Corwin must put the past behind them to face this new threat and an even darker menace stirring in the kingdom.

    ©2018 Mindee Arnett (P)2018 HarperCollins Publishers


    "At once fresh, at once classic, Onyx and Ivory is a page-turning blend of monsters, magic, and romance." (Susan Dennard, New York Times best-selling author of Truthwitch)

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