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  • Selling with Authentic Persuasion

  • Transform from Order Taker to Quota Breaker
  • De : Jason Cutter
  • Lu par : Jason Cutter
  • Durée : 5 h et 21 min

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Selling with Authentic Persuasion

De : Jason Cutter
Lu par : Jason Cutter
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    Are you in sales, but struggling to make quota? Did you just take a sales job out of desperation, but don’t think it’s the right career for you? Do you worry people will perceive you as pushy or dishonest? 

    Selling with authentic persuasion will remove all the stress and anxiety you feel about selling so you can focus on what’s really important - your customers and their needs. Jason Cutter will reveal how being honest with customers, overcoming our misconceptions about sales, and winning customers’ trust will not only lead to happy and repeat customers, but transform you from order taker to quota breaker. 

    After years of managing and training salespeople, Jason found the fundamental problem people have in sales is acting only as order takers. Let him teach you how to transform yourself into a model salesperson who inspires trust through integrity and authenticity. 

    In Selling with Authentic Persuasion, you will learn how to: 

    • Determine whether you are acting like an order taker 
    • Analyze and overcome your objections and fears 
    • Focus on the true reasons for selling 
    • Acknowledge and cultivate your strengths 
    • Use the power of persuasion 
    • Follow a proven sales process 
    • Sell like a professional 
    • Avoid the common mistakes that get in the way of sales success

    It’s time to put aside your self-limiting beliefs and bask in how good it feels to help people through sales. Get ready to celebrate and enjoy your new or transformed sales career.

    ©2020 Jason Cutter (P)2020 Jason Cutter

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