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Couverture de Selling Cars

Selling Cars

De : Mike Mature
Lu par : Mike Mature
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    From humorous to unbelievable stories, the author takes the listener on a journey of mostly true stories into the sometimes-crazy life of a car guy. With lessons learned from either a sales, or management, point of view, each story concludes with a "moral of the story" to bring home lessons that can be applied in different areas of daily business life.  

    Author Mike Mature, a 30-year veteran of the car sales business, shares firsthand observations of encounters with interesting and colorful coworkers, customers, and former bosses that will have you scratching your head in disbelief after listening to some of the stories and laughing out loud after hearing others. As the third installment of the Selling Cars Series, this book takes a break from the Selling Cars Training Series. The stories in Tale Lites take a more candid look at some of the predicaments a car guy can find himself navigating in the car business. Each story concludes with a "Moral of the Story" to tie in the lessons that were learned along the way, allowing the listener to be aware of those lessons should they encounter them along their own journey.

    ©2020 Michael Albert Mature (P)2021 Michael Albert Mature

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