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De : Larry Nowicki
Lu par : Emory Stagmer
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I started my martial arts training in 1969 and attained an eighth degree black belt with my first instructor. I've trained in Kenpo, Chin-na, Jujitsu, Judo, Tai Chi, and much more. 

With almost 50 years of training people how to defend themselves, I've learned that the most important skill to learn is how to recognize a threat. Experiences gained from encounters with skilled and unskilled people over the last century have provided me with a keen awareness of what to look for.

In this book, you will learn how to recognize a threat from those who have 'been there and done that'. You will learn from their personal mistakes, including situations where they have become the victim and how they put themselves there.

I will teach you how to recognize what a threat is and and most importantly how to avoid them. You will learn the three aspects that combine to make a credible threat - means, opportunity, and intent. You will gain an understanding of what to look for and what could have been done to avoid that threat. You will discover how to open your awareness so you can avoid putting yourself and your loved ones at risk. 

You will become aware of things you would never realize could put you at risk. You will gain simple but effective ways to change from being a victim to being the one who goes home, by learning how you're state of mind must change before you ever go out. Once you have this you you will learn the four battles that you must win in every confrontation. The time to think about it is now. 

This book is essential listening for anyone interested in self-defense. It offers practical and easy to implement techniques honed over half a century that are just as applicable to the expert as to the beginner. 

My goal is for you in listening to this is for you to be the one who goes home.

©2019 Lawrence J Nowicki Jr (P)2019 Lawrence J Nowicki Jr
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