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Couverture de Reputation King

Reputation King

De : Scott Brandley, DJ Sprague
Lu par : Scott Brandley
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    Does your brand have what it takes to be a Reputation King? Scott and DJ think so. As two of the leading online reputation management experts running one of the largest and most trusted online review platforms in the world, Scott Brandley and DJ Sprague have helped thousands of brands to significantly increase their trust, traffic, and sales. Now, for the first time ever, they pull back the curtain and show you: how the online rating and review world really works, why it's deliberately rigged for you to fail, and what you can do to ethically "hack the system" to win!

    You'll also discover how to positively impact virtually every step of the buyer's journey, how to highly influence customers to buy before they ever visit your site, how to use social proof and psychology to send your website conversions through the roof, and how to get more top listings in Google by strategically answering customer questions. If you're an ecommerce CEO or executive, this book will show you how to effectively manage and grow your online reputation, increase your sales, and become one of the most trusted brands online.

    ©2024 First Position Strategies (P)2024 First Position Strategies

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