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Couverture de Raising Readers

Raising Readers

De : Megan Daley
Lu par : Helena Plazzer
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    An essential guide for every parent and educator - all you need to know about inspiring children to read. 

    Some kids refuse to read, others won’t stop. Either way, many parents question the best way to support their child’s literacy journey. 

    When can you start reading to your child? How do you find that special book to inspire a reluctant reader? What can you do to keep your tween reading into their adolescent years? 

    Award-winning teacher librarian Megan Daley, the passionate voice behind the Children’s Books Daily blog, has the answers to all these questions and more. She unpacks her 20 years of experience into this personable and accessible guide, enhanced with up-to-date research and firsthand accounts from well-known Australian children’s authors. 

    It also contains practical tips, such as suggested reading lists and instructions on how to run book-themed activities. 

    PLEASE NOTE: When you purchase this title, the accompanying reference material will be available in your Library section along with the audio on our desktop site.

    ©2019 Megan Daley (P)2019 W. F. Howes Ltd


    "This is not a book. It’s a magic key which will unlock a love of stories and reading within your child." (Rebecca Sparrow, author of Find Your Tribe)

    “Daley guides her reader with practical tips from the teacher librarians desk on how to raise happy little book-loving progeny. Raising Readers is now my go-to gift for new parents.” (Jessica Rudd, author of Ruby Blues)

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