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How to Start a Side Hustle

De : Kaylene Langford
Lu par : Helena Plazzer
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    How to Start a Side Hustle is a fun and easy-to-listen-to guide that will help you design a viable business model and bring your ideas to market. Packed with practical tips, hacks and advice from both professional businesspeople and unconventional company founders, this guide will take you through the process of starting your own business in a straightforward and accessible way.

    How to Start a Side Hustle will help you to identify your passion and purpose, refine your business idea (why, when, who, how?), and assist you with brand execution and marketing. Entrepreneur and coach Kaylene Langford will provide you with the right tools you need to build a strong business model and set you up so you continue to kick goals. Featuring inspirational quotes from industry leaders, this guide also provides activities for you to work through along the way and mindset hacks to ensure you don't lose confidence. Setting up a business can be a roller coaster, but How to Start a Side Hustle is the perfect companion to guide you through the process!

    The Survive the Modern World series tackles big subjects in a fun and digestible way. The tone is frank and chatty, but the content is comprehensive. Upskill and expand your knowledge with these accessible guides.

    ©2021 Kaylene Langford (P)2021 Audible Australia Pty Ltd.

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