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  • Raising Chickens for the First Time: 6 Simple Steps to a Healthy, Happy, and Productive Backyard Flock

  • Get Endless Fresh Eggs and Have Fun Doing It (Backyard Chickens Guide)
  • De : Sophia Hall
  • Lu par : Wendi L. Stryd
  • Durée : 4 h et 8 min

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Couverture de Raising Chickens for the First Time: 6 Simple Steps to a Healthy, Happy, and Productive Backyard Flock

Raising Chickens for the First Time: 6 Simple Steps to a Healthy, Happy, and Productive Backyard Flock

De : Sophia Hall
Lu par : Wendi L. Stryd
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    Who said raising chickens has to be hard?

    You'll be blown away by how easy raising chickens can be with this book! Raising Chickens for the First Time walks you through the complete process, from getting hatch-ready eggs to raising the next generation of chickens. Follow the step-by-step flow of this book to have a productive, happy, and healthy flock.

    Guidance for small-time chicken-tenders

    This book is full of special advice for small-scale backyard chickens keepers who want to give their chickens the best life they could possibly have. Not to mention the eggs or meat you get along the way!

    This book is not for running a large-scale operation of hundreds of chickens.

    Learn how to care for your feathered friends

    Chickens are much more than egg-laying machines; they are pets that bring life and personality to the homestead. In addition to feeding and housing your chickens, this book discusses important topics like what type of toys to give them and how to understand them.

    This book includes:

    • A complete guide to raising a backyard flock
    • How to pick the perfect chicken for you
    • Understand the main character of this book—learn about chicken behavior, such as going broody, scratching, and the pecking order.
    • Critical chicken care—how to tell if your chicken’s sick and what to do about it. Comes with a guide to assembling a simple, yet effective first-aid kit.
    • What to look for when coop shopping and how to furnish it.

    PLEASE NOTE: When you purchase this title, the accompanying PDF will be available in your Audible Library along with the audio.

    ©2021, 2022 Easygreenguides (P)2022 Easygreenguides

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