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  • I Am Peace

  • 159 Daily, Positive Thinking, Christian Proclamations for Calmness, Serenity, and Stress and Anxiety Relief
  • De : Jessie Simone Blessing
  • Lu par : Wendi L. Stryd
  • Durée : 1 h et 48 min

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I Am Peace

De : Jessie Simone Blessing
Lu par : Wendi L. Stryd
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    After the last two years of living with the isolation and fear associated with the global pandemic and now that is being exacerbated by the war in Ukraine, it is more important than ever for each of us as individuals to feel and express the peace of mind that we know can be possible through Christ.

    Christian proclamations have been used for centuries to create a better quality of life for oneself. A perusal of the Bible will reveal numerous I AM statements. Most of these were spoken about God or by Christ Jesus. As way-followers of Christ, we have been given dominion over our own choices of attitude and ways of being. Therefore, it is appropriate that we use our I AM only with uplifting and positive words.

    The proclamations listed in this book were written to draw forth the peace that innately dwells within each of us. I AM are the most powerful words in the English language when used with intention, positive and uplifting words. “I AM Poise...I AM Presence" " the grace of God, I am what I am." The most common beginner mistake people make when starting to use proclamations is resolved in this book.

    ©2022 Pamela Gail Silva (P)2022 Pamela Gail Silva

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