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  • RV Living: Retire into an RV with Social Security

  • How to Use Social Security to Live in an RV Full Time
  • De : George Lee
  • Lu par : Thomas Kaluza
  • Durée : 1 h et 37 min

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RV Living: Retire into an RV with Social Security

De : George Lee
Lu par : Thomas Kaluza
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    A powerful way to live your dream of RVing full time.

    Have you had the longing to live in the great outdoors but could never do so before retiring? Does a sense of adventure call to you, but you feel like you are constricted by your Social Security checks to live a good life? Are you contemplating living the RV life or are about to begin doing so? 

    If that is the case, then this will be the most important message you might ever hear. 

    I, George Lee, will share the secrets of RVing full time on just your Social Security income. That’s right folks. You can actually live a much better and fulfilling life in an RV, using just the Social Security checks you receive every month. In fact, there are many others, including me, who are doing this right now! 

    In this audiobook you will learn about: 

    • How to figure out your monthly RVing budget based on your Social Security income 
    • The biggest mistake you have to avoid when buying your first RV 
    • The top five specs you have to look at when buying an RV 
    • The number one state to register your RV 
    • How RVing can help you pay off debt and avoid it completely 
    • Four different ways to receive mail when you are living in an RV 
    • The most overlooked utilities to bring with you when you start living in an RV 
    • The top three ways to tow your vehicle and which one is the best for you 
    • How to handle kids and pets in an RV 

    This audiobook has been designed to guide you through the process of RVing full time on Social Security, start to finish. No need to do research. Just jump in. 

    Every day that you spend in the “sticks and bricks” life is another day that you waste your hard-earned Social Security money on a lifestyle that leaves you unhappy, unsatisfied, and strapped for money and opportunity. 

    Take action now and buy this audiobook!

    ©2019 George Lee (P)2019 George Lee

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