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Couverture de The Baltimore Catechism of the Catholic Church

The Baltimore Catechism of the Catholic Church

De : Thomas L. Kinkead
Lu par : Thomas Kaluza
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    A number of efforts were made in the US during the 19th century to create a single textbook of Roman Catholic Christian doctrine that might be used by all American Catholics.

    In 1885, a catechism was put together by the Order of the Third Council of Baltimore. The aim of the council was to have a catechism "perfect in every respect" (Acta et Decr., p. 219). The result was a document that met with an overwhelmingly positive response.

    Almost all the American bishops gave their official approbation to the catechism, and soon, numerous schools used the Baltimore Catechism as their standard religious education textbook. Various editions were put forth with additions of word meanings and explanatory notes so that there was considerable diversity among Baltimore Catechisms.

    Nevertheless, this catechism became the standard text for Catholic education in the United States for the next four generations. This particular catechism is known as Baltimore Catechism, No. 3.

    Public Domain (P)2020 Patristic Publishing

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