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  • Psalm 91: Catholic Prayers for Divine Safety and Protection

  • De : Saul Cross
  • Lu par : Steven Gerald
  • Durée : 2 h et 4 min

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Couverture de Psalm 91: Catholic Prayers for Divine Safety and Protection

Psalm 91: Catholic Prayers for Divine Safety and Protection

De : Saul Cross
Lu par : Steven Gerald
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    For centuries, Psalm 91 has stood as a towering beacon of hope and protection for those walking the path of faith. Saints such as Saint Teresa of Avila, Saint Francis de Sales, and countless others have found solace and strength within its verses. This Psalm, often referred to as the "Prayer of Protection," resonates with the promise of divine safeguarding and deliverance from all forms of evil. Its timeless appeal lies in the profound assurance it offers that those who dwell in the presence of the Most High are sheltered under His omnipotent shadow.

    The rich history of Psalm 91, woven through the lives of saints and believers, underscores its power not just as scripture, but as a testament to God's unwavering shield against the snares of the world.

    Psalm 91 is a book that delves into this profound source of spiritual strength with a collection of 25 prayers and a novena, designed to invoke protection from our Lord. Each prayer within this book is meticulously crafted, drawing inspiration from the way saints have leaned on Psalm 91 across centuries, turning to it in moments of danger, despair, and dire need.

    The novena, specifically meant to be prayed over nine days, seeks divine protection, echoing the Psalm's promise of God's safeguarding presence. Through the intercessions of saints and the timeless words of Psalm 91, this book serves as a conduit for those seeking to deepen their connection with God's protective grace.

    ©2024 Motmot, Inc. (P)2024 Motmot, Inc.

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