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Couverture de Prayers for Financial Miracles

Prayers for Financial Miracles

De : Saul Cross
Lu par : Abigail Denny
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    In the teachings of Christ, we are warned, "No one can serve two masters... You cannot serve both God and money" (Matthew 6:24), emphasizing the spiritual danger of greed. Yet, the Bible also compels us to provide for our families, declaring in 1 Timothy 5:8 that failing to do so is a denial of faith. This duality of financial stewardship—balancing material responsibility with spiritual integrity—is at the heart of "Prayers for Financial Miracles."

    Throughout history, many saints have navigated their own financial hardships, turning their trials into testaments of faith. Saints like Joseph, who provided for Mary and Jesus through his work, and Matthew, a tax collector turned apostle, exemplify how divine guidance can transform our material experiences. We seek their intercession, knowing they have faced similar struggles and can empathize with our pleas for aid.

    "Prayers for Financial Miracles" is a spiritually enriching guide that includes 25 powerful prayers invoking the saints for their intercession in our financial needs. Each prayer is paired with biblical reflections, offering a solid foundation in scripture. Notably, the book features a special novena section with dedicated spaces for writing down intentions, encouraging a profound connection over nine days of prayer. This book is not only a means of seeking divine intervention but also a tool for personal reflection and spiritual growth.

    ©2024 Motmot, Inc. (P)2024 Motmot, Inc.

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