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Couverture de Protecting Jazz

Protecting Jazz

De : Susan Hayes
Lu par : Henriette Zoutomou
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    Jazz Masters is a werewolf with a day job. Living in fear of the monster that lives inside her, she’s created a safe, if lonely world where she can control her darker half. That world comes crashing down around her when she crosses paths with a pack of werewolves who recognize what she is–a rogue she-wolf with no pack to protect her. Threatened and afraid for her life Jazz turns to the only group that might be able to help her–the Guardians.

    One look at Jazz is all it takes for the Guardian’s resident risk-taker, pilot, and playboy Jason Waters to know he’s interested. Not even the revelation that she’s a werewolf deters him from his new mission–Protecting Jazz from everything and everyone, including her dark side.

    With the pack closing in, Jazz must make a choice–surrender to her fear, or fight for her life and a chance at love with the only man who’d die to protect her.

    **Publisher’s Note–This book was previously released as On Jason’s Watch

    ©2018 Bryant Street Publishing (P)2024 Scribd, Inc.
    • Série : Guardians, Volume 3
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Romance

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