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Couverture de The DBT Workbook for Narcissistic Abuse and Gaslighting

The DBT Workbook for Narcissistic Abuse and Gaslighting

De : Katelyn Baxter-Musser LCSW C-DBT, Stephanie M. Kriesberg PsyD - foreword by
Lu par : Henriette Zoutomou
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    Are you caught in an emotionally abusive relationship with a narcissist, or attempting to recover from one? Are you being gaslit by an intimate partner, family member, or coworker? Narcissistic abuse and gaslighting can have devastating impacts on mental health and wellbeing. You may experience feelings of shame, guilt, humiliation, and a sense that something is wrong with you. Even if you've managed to escape the abusive dynamic, the emotional, physical, and psychological impact can carry on long after the relationship ends. So, how can you start healing?

    Using this workbook, you'll learn practical skills grounded in proven-effective dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) to help you heal and move forward after narcissistic abuse. You'll find targeted exercises for specific trauma symptoms to help you rebuild your shattered self-esteem and confidence, learn how to trust again, and make certain you can recognize red flags in the future. You'll also discover essential and easy-to-apply mindfulness skills for developing self-compassion, setting healthy boundaries, and managing negative thoughts.

    If you're ready to start healing your emotional wounds so you can finally move on, this gentle guide can help you replace the guilt, self-doubt, and shame of abuse with self-esteem, unshakable confidence, and trust.

    ©2024 Katelyn Baxter-Musser (P)2024 Tantor

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