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  • Pregnancy Guide for Men

  • The Beginner’s Guide for First-Time Dads on What to Expect During and After the Pregnancy and Becoming a Father
  • De : James Fuller
  • Lu par : Elliott Butt
  • Durée : 1 h et 23 min

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Pregnancy Guide for Men

De : James Fuller
Lu par : Elliott Butt
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    Did you just find out you're becoming a father? Are you full of questions and don't know how to handle it?

    If you answered yes, then this guide is for you.

    Becoming a father is a real challenge and without proper preparation, you could end up feeling a lot of frustration. Knowing what to do and what not to do during a pregnancy is important and will help you avoid making mistakes.

    Even though becoming a dad for the first time takes a lot of hard work, it's at the same time a beautiful journey that will change your life!

    This audiobook will guide you through the different stages of pregnancy and how to prepare for each.

    Here's what's covered in Pregnancy Guide for Men:

    • How to deal with the emotional roller-coaster you're feeling
    • What to expect during the first, second, and third trimesters
    • How to support your partner during the pregnancy
    • Basic lifestyle changes through the pregnancy
    • How to prepare for labor
    • The first few days after labor

    And much more.

    Take action now and prepare yourself for the amazing journey you're about to embark on!

    ©2022 James Fuller (P)2022 James Fuller

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