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Couverture de The Stolen Ones

The Stolen Ones

De : Ida Linehan Young
Lu par : Elliott Butt
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    Darlene Carter was always a strong woman. But after suddenly losing her mother to a deadly virus, she is left anchorless while struggling to navigate the pandemic with her teenaged daughter. Isolated, and alone in grief, Darlene reluctantly takes on her mother’s pursuit to find familial connections. As restrictions lift, the two travel to Newfoundland to follow a DNA trail in search of answers. The family holds more than Darlene is prepared for. As she delves into a series of century-old journals that hold tales of her ancestors Doctors Peter and Mary Nolan, she begins to feel an unlikely kinship with Peter. 

    Journey with Darlene, through Peter and Mary’s lives, as she links clues from yesteryear to modern-day DNA evidence, weaving them into the family tapestry of her Nolan roots. But when she is about to uncover the final threads, she fears her ancestors may have taken them to their graves. Can she unlock the secrets of the past? Battling to remain neutral in the chaos of post-pandemic Newfoundland, will Darlene embrace the true meaning of belonging and family like Peter and Mary write about, or is proof the only remedy for her fractured heart?

    ©2021 Flanker Press (P)2021 Ida Linehan Young

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