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Couverture de Phantom Blend

Phantom Blend

De : Kennedy Layne
Lu par : Annalyse McCoy
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    Mirrors and mischief might not be the best combination in this delightful tale of the Paramour Bay Mysteries by USA Today bestselling author Kennedy Layne . . .

    The quaint coastal town of Paramour Bay is once again hosting their annual garage sale, and Raven Marigold is happily participating for the first time with two tables of gently used items and select pieces of clothing. She's taken special care to ensure that no magical auras remain on the items that she's included for sale, and she is quite confident that her first time joining in on the sale will go off without a hitch.

    Raven hadn't counted on her familiar taking his annual battle with the local squirrel population to a new level, resulting in a collapsed table, a broken mirror, and a trapped phantom who leads Raven and the gang onto their next murder mystery that might not reveal the fairest of them all.

    You'll want to put down your trusty dustpan and broom for this enchanting whodunit that might or might not result in seven years of bad luck for the residents of Paramour Bay!

    ©2020 Kennedy Layne (P)2024 Tantor

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