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Couverture de Tales of a Witch

Tales of a Witch

De : Kim Richardson
Lu par : Annalyse McCoy
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    Landing in jail was not how I expected to spend the rest of the night. Nope. I had imagined some horizontal mambo with a certain uber-hot giant.

    Instead, I find myself stuck in a 10-by-10 cell, hungry, and with a serious need to pee every hour, with only the cold stone walls and the occasional cockroach as my companions. I’m trapped in the bowels of the Gray Council building. And I don’t know if I’ll ever get out.

    So when Darius—a.k.a. Gray Council silver-haired dumbass—pays me a visit and offers me the choice to either rot in my cell forever or take on a job for him, I take it like a shot.

    In exchange for my freedom, I’m sent on a task to find a jewel, the Jewel of the Sun. Sounds simple enough, right? Wrong.

    Adding to my problems, someone is watching me from the shadows, causing all my warning flags to sail as though in a thunderstorm. I’m not getting any paranormal vibes. Not vampires, weres, fae, nothing. Not even witch. But I know this person is bad news.

    As though that isn’t bad enough, if I don’t find the jewel in time, I could lose everything....

    Tales of a Witch is perfect for fans of urban fantasy, mystery, slow-burn romance, and humor. Get ready for this heart-pounding and laugh-out-loud magical adventure!

    ©2023 Kim Richardson (P)2023 Kim Richardson

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