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  • ParaPro Assessment Preparation 2023-2024

  • Study Guide with 300 Practice Questions and Answers for the ETS Praxis Test (Paraprofessional Exam Prep)
  • De : Emily Morton
  • Lu par : Lia Goodman
  • Durée : 8 h et 56 min

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ParaPro Assessment Preparation 2023-2024

De : Emily Morton
Lu par : Lia Goodman
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    Starting to worry about your ParaPro Assessment? Relax.... Everything you need to know to be the picture of calm on Test Day is here. You’ve already identified that to stand out in the competitive field of the paraprofessional, you need the ParaPro Assessment under your belt…. Or perhaps you’ve recently landed a job that requires you to pass it before you start work. Either way, there’s only one thing you need to do now: Practice!

    The art of passing any exam is to not only know the subject matter inside out…but to know the test, too. Parapro Assessment Preparation 2022-2023 is your answer to acing the exam and carrying what you’ve learned forward for the rest of your career.

    Inside, you’ll discover:

    • Complete study guides for all three main areas of the ParaPro Assessment (Reading. Writing. Math. You need to be fully versed in all areas)
    • A full practice test to accompany each area of study–consolidate your knowledge immediately, and practice putting it to use
    • A practical way to assess your knowledge and guide yourself toward success at your own pace
    • All the nooks of reading, writing, and math clearly explored and explained – so you’re prepared for any question
    • And much more.

    Know what to expect on the day of the test, and half the battle is already won. Combine that with targeted practice, and you’ll have knowledge that you can rely on to see you through a successful career as a paraprofessional.

    If you want to discover the secret weapon to make sure you step into that test center feeling confident and prepared, then you need this audiobook today!

    ©2022 Emily Morton (P)2022 Emily Morton

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