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  • NCE Exam Prep 2023-2024

  • Study Guide with 410 Practice Questions and Answer Explanations for the National Counselor Examination
  • De : Shawn Blake
  • Lu par : Lia Goodman
  • Durée : 6 h et 34 min

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NCE Exam Prep 2023-2024

De : Shawn Blake
Lu par : Lia Goodman
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    Fulfill your dream of becoming a certified counselor by acing the NCE without fail with this must-have study guide.Thousands of candidates take the National Counselor Examination yearly, hoping for a much-coveted certification. And with a passing rate of 84 percent for first-time and 61 percent for repeat candidates, you might think that it’s a relatively easy test. That's where you're wrong: The test is famous for being overwhelming, especially if you lack proper preparation and don’t have any idea how it works. But don't worry, there's no reason to panic.

    Here's a fraction of what you'll discover inside:

    • A rundown of the NCE exam, its purpose, eligibility requirements, and an outline of the domains and common core areas
    • Effective strategies for preparing for the exam, including how to prepare a timetable, plan for self-assessment and performance improvement, and weekly preparations
    • The eight common core areas of the NCE domains with theories, applications, and practice questions with answer keys
    • The importance of mastering counseling skills and interventions, and how they can help counselors develop better relationships with clients
    • And much more!

    Why rely on second chances and waste efforts when you can pass NCE on your first attempt with this guide? With practical study tools and mock exams that closely mimic the actual test, your preparations will be thorough and your confidence high.

    Take the guesswork out of preparing for the NCE, and pass the exam with flying colors.

    ©2023 Hanley Publications LLC (P)2023 Hanley Publications LLC

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