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  • Overthinking

  • How to Stop Worrying, Eliminate Anxiety, Stress and Procrastination.Use Meditation & Hypnosis for Positive Thinking
  • De : Scott Brain
  • Lu par : Mark Resilience
  • Durée : 5 h et 6 min

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De : Scott Brain
Lu par : Mark Resilience
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    Do you want to learn how to stop worrying, eliminate anxiety, stress, and procrastination, use meditation and hypnosis for positivity thinking? If yes, then keep reading.

    A lot of us sometimes will overanalyze and overthink things in our minds. That is normal as we are human beings, and it is a part of our daily living. But, if overthinking turns out to be a repetitive activity, it may be the right time for you to take action to avoid it from controlling your life.

    Overthinking is that inner voice that tries to bring you down. It criticizes you and destroys your confidence and self-esteem. You not only doubt yourself, but you also doubt those who are close to you. It pushes you to second guess everything. Overthinking can be compared to a spreading fire. It burns down everything that it finds on its way. Therefore, you will suffer as a result of overthinking. 

    This audiobook covers:

    • The hidden threats that lead to overthinking and stress in our life
    • Stop overthinking and rewire your mind
    • How to eliminate negative thoughts and declutter your mind
    • Decluttering the distractions that cause anxiety
    • Tips to create better habits, increase self-confidence, and self-esteem
    • Mindful eating habits
    • Realize your life goals and get motivated
    • Understanding of the concept of meditation 
    • Hypnosis
    • Tips to help you practice mindfulness
    • Discover what's important you
    • And much more!

    This audiobook will teach you how to overcome your overthinking problems so that you can find a sense of ease and relaxation in your life, allowing you to become more creative and more productive than ever before.

    Ready to get started? Buy now!

    ©2020 Scott Brain (P)2020 Scott Brain

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