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  • Order of the Blood: Historical Vampire Mystery

  • The Unofficial Chronicles of John Grissom, Book 1
  • De : Page Zaplendam
  • Lu par : Michael Langan
  • Durée : 7 h et 5 min

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Order of the Blood: Historical Vampire Mystery

De : Page Zaplendam
Lu par : Michael Langan
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    Regency London isn't just for debutantes and ballrooms, it's for bacteriologists and vampire lords too.

    John Grissom's enhanced vampiric hearing leads him to investigate the oldest and most powerful order of vampires in England. His investigation takes him from London to Brighton and back again, from a vampire proof dungeon to a glittering masked assembly.

    What he discovers could turn the tide of war in Napoleon's favor. He hopes to succeed in preventing it, but he'll be powerless to do anything if a blood-crazed madness takes him first.

    "I’m going to have to read [the sequel] to see what is in store for this intriguing character Zapledam has created." (Laura Pearl, author of Erin's Ring)

    "I admire the way the author used a vampire story (without being repulsive) to tell an exciting tale with real substance, one that makes readers ponder moral truths and, in particular, to consider what really makes a monster." (Therese Heckencamp, author of Frozen Footprints)

    Page Zaplendam is a science fiction and fantasy author who spends every spare second, of which there are few, writing like mad to get the stories out. When she's not writing, she's carting kids around to doc appointments, dictating writing notes while doing dishes, and thinking about new and exciting ways to challenge her characters. Find her at and get a free copy of her science fiction thriller, Escape of the Callaloon, when you subscribe to her substack. Substack subscribers can look forward to her newest venture, Hinterspace, a podcast about all things SFF.

    ©2015 Page Zaplendam (P)2023 Page Zaplendam

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