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Couverture de A Kingdom of Ash and Steam: The Ogress Son

A Kingdom of Ash and Steam: The Ogress Son

De : Page Zaplendam
Lu par : Rich Frazier
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    Slade’s blood stirred at the thought of defeating more of those who wreaked havoc against the people. It was a good day for a quest.

    Raised in forested isolation by the dread Annearol, the Unearthly, Slade is distrustful and suspicious of his own kind. After the murder of his adoptive mother, he is determined to obtain justice, no matter the cost.

    In A Kingdom of Ash and Steam….

    His own desperate actions set him at odds with the crown, and he finds himself launched into fighting battles on behalf of a people he thought he was loathe to call his own. But is it justice, or is vengeance?

    War is looming.

    When his training and genes reveal he has combat skills well above the average warrior, he finds himself fighting for dominion over his soul as dark forces put their pieces in play to ensure a victory for themselves, no matter who is vanquished.

    A gritty, neo-dark-age, steam-tech fantasy for lovers of Lindsay Buroker and Jonathon Yanez.

    This work was previously published under the title, The Ogress' Son. If you already purchased the Ogress' Son, please do not purchase, the interior is the same. Appeals to lovers of dystopian adventures, steampunk elements, sword fighting, and smatterings of romance.

    Page Zaplendam is a southern writer with a wide range of fiction interests. As mama to a lot of littles, she doesn’t gets her books out there as often as she’d like, but it’s not for lack of having the need to craft, create, and share new stories with the world. Besides exciting dystopian adventure tales, she also writes space opera, science fiction, and hosts a podcast on her substack, titled Hinterspace.

    ©2018 Page Zaplendam (P)2024 Page Zaplendam

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