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  • One Meal a Day, OMAD or Keto Diet

  • How to Increase Your Body's Performance, Intermittent Fasting, While Reducing Weight for Overall Wellness.
  • De : Katisha Burt
  • Lu par : Catherine O'Connor
  • Durée : 50 min

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One Meal a Day, OMAD or Keto Diet

De : Katisha Burt
Lu par : Catherine O'Connor
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    This guidebook will assist you in deciding to change the life you have for the one you want. There are never-ending diet trends bombarding our psyche every month. Katisha Burt genuinely confronts the effects and commercial influence of gimmicks, tricks, and promises that diet plans portray. She clearly points out how diets are a personal choice, with factors pushing and pulling people where they believe will be best to achieve optimal health and results. 

    Stating the benefits of OMAD and keto from personal experience, Katisha will encourage those on a pursuit to try one or both. Even if you’ve tried other diets and didn’t succeed, she will give you the support and encouragement to dust yourself off and try again. You’ll be mindful of the proven research that makes OMAD safe and incredibly effective.

    The fitness and nutrition goal of the OMAD or keto diet declares you can improve your overall wellness and health if you want to, and the human experience says you can. You can construct a lifestyle that gives you the everlasting results you’ve been imagining. You must be honest with yourself and know better to show you’re better. 

    OMAD and keto have helped enrich the life of Katisha Burt, and she found it essential to share how. 

    If you’d like to give this audiobook a listen, scroll up and click the “Buy Now” button.

    ©2021 Katisha Burt (P)2021 Katisha Burt

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